Learn about the meal plan options we offer to on-campus students, off-campus students, and faculty member by clicking the link! https://info.umkc.edu/one-card/meal-plans/.

Meal Plan Options – Fall 2024 & Spring 2025
Resident Plans

  • 15 meals per week with $125.00 flex dollars – $2,123 semester/$4,247 annual
  • Block 360 Plan – 180 meals per semester with $175.00 flex dollars – $2,112 semester/$4,224 annual
  • 7 meals per week plus block 50 meals with $300 flex dollars – $2,1233 semester/$4,466 annual

Commuter Plans – Available to all students not living in the Oak or Johnson Residence Halls and can be purchased in the Roo Card Office. 

Students may request a meal plan each semester by sending an email from their UMKC student email account to umkcroocard@umkc.edu. Meal plan charges for approved email requests will be processed to the student’s Pathway account and billed by Cashiers. All commuter plan prices include sales tax. Plans cannot be changed after 7 days from purchase. Call (816) 235-6657 if you have questions. Unused Meal Swipes & Flex will be lost at end of each semester. 

  • Best Value Plan – 50 meals – $434.31/ semester
  • Value Plus Plan – 25 meals with $150.00 flex dollars – $475.67/semester
  • Advantage Plan – 75 meals with $200.00 flex dollars – $992.71/semester

Faculty/Staff Plans – Available only to UMKC employees with a Faculty/Staff designation on their Roo Card and can be purchased in the Roo Card Office.  Full-time benefit eligible employees or part-time employees not enrolled in a course may purchase a plan. Call (816) 235-6657 if you have questions.

  • 5 meals – $40.82
  • 10 meals – $78.92
  • 25 meals – $190.49